Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breathing better

Whitney is breathing much better! They took her intubation out yesterday so now all she has is the tiny feeding tube down her throat. Once the intubation came out they put her on a bubble cpap machine at 5 liters. After a day on that and doing really well, try moved her from the cpap to a high flow nasal cannula at 4 liters (today at 12:30). She's done soo well the last few hours that they are moving her down to three liters right now!

We are very glad she is breathing so well in spite of the chest fluid-it still hasn't slowed down a lot, but it has slowed a little. We are giving it two weeks to see if the fluid will slow down and hopefully dry up. Since feedings (even fat free feedings) can aggravate and increase the chest fluid, they stopped feeding her for a week or two again until we know for sure the procedure worked and that the fluid is going away. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the fluid will dry up! As for now, here is a picture that makes me smile!


  1. SAM THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! that must be incredible to watch her heal right before your eyes! I can't imagine how relieved you feel. She is such a tiny angel!!!! good job guys!!!!

  2. Hooray!!! I'm so glad you see improvement every day!!! Awesome!!!
